The great Paula Scher once said,

"My work is play.
& I play when I design."

When I design, I consider the possible, debate the inevitable, and weigh the alternatives.
(Now, I am no Paula Scher)


Hiya, I'm Sam Truong.

I'm a maker, world shaker, and vision chaser.

But moreso, I am a Denver-based product designer passionate about designing for impact.

My ongoing love affair with UX began as a kid when I was making paper money and cellphones to play "shop" with my cousins. I've put in a fair share of experimenting with my interests and career from corporate to startup spaces to freelancing and consulting, but I found that my heart truly lies with the product.

Instilled with my dad's hard work ethic and my mom's kind heart, my passion is to help design a digital world built with everyone included. As my immigrant parents have have taught me "if you can dream it, you can build it."

How I Bring Ideas To Life

The perfect product can never exist. But a better product improves lives.

In order to create the future, we must understand the past.

When treading into a newfound territory, we must become experts. My curious imagination and inquisition guide me to understanding the ins and outs of who I'm designing for, their whole situation, and the "perfect and ideal" world we are striving to create. A person's motivations, desires, and beliefs are the secret key to capturing their hearts and where really create true meaningful value. Researching the then and now is my anchor. I don't rush this.

Experiment like a scientist, reflect like a philosopher.

The world moves fast. People are unpredictable. Present challenges are fuzzy, complex, and uncertain. When things are proven they do not work anymore, I am courageous, adventurous, and not afraid to push boundaries. The moment of enlightenment is feedback from actual users and the decision to abandon old ways that serves no purpose. To find the answers we are looking for, I move fast. Tomorrow is not promised.

We all have the right to choose.

My greatest strength and downfall is my ability to ideate a thousand possible solutions and outcomes. The beautiful and frightening thing about this is I don't know if any of it will work. The reassuring thing is that we have multitude of options to choose from. The act of choice is a desire for freedom. Technology has given us the privilege to choose how we work, live, and play. By using design processes and systems, we can choose to design a future that is responsible, ethical, and mindful.

Design should not happen in a vacuum. It is with grit, experimentation, and the help of others that help me determine which solution is best suited for the most favorable outcome. So, let's pay tribute to those before us, commemorate those who walk alongside us, and let us toast to better solutions for a better world.

Past Lives


Currently, I am working at a Avala, AI, an early stage startup as their first Product Designer. We are building a microwork platform where people can earn money by completing tasks and aid in the development of AI technologies. Our app is launched in both iOS and Android paying roughly 80 coworkers!

After graduating from University of Colorado Boulder with a double degree in Psychology and Humanities, I worked as an account manager managing some of the biggest wine and spirit brands. (If you know Tequila Herradura, I got to create some cool promotional pieces)!

I decided to quit my 9-5 to help develop the MVP of a CRM/BI tool at an early stage startup company. Here, I learned the trials and tribulations of seed funding, building a company's culture and branding, and entrepreneurship.

In light of COVID times and real life, I decided to leave my position to enroll in Flatiron School's 6 month UX bootcamp on a NexTech 100 scholarship.

I am also working towards increasing diversity and representation in the tech start-up space as a First-Generation, Asian American, Woman, and someday again, Founder.

Dec 2020—Present
First Product Designer
Avala, AI

San Francisco, CA

Nov 2019— DEC 2020
UX Experience Consultant/Freelance

Denver, Colorado

SEP 2019 — AUG 2020
Co-Founder & Chief Experience Officer
Ujima Digital

Denver, Colorado

JAN 2019 —MAR 2019
Product Manager & Strategist
Ujima Digital

Denver, Colorado

JAN 2019 — AUG 2020
Account Manager
ImageSeller, LLC.

Denver, Colorado

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